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Social Method

Before talking about how to use social strategies in the field of teaching a foreign language such as English, it is necessary to know what this strategy is and what it is based on. It is not simply an individual process, but is deeply influenced by social and cultural interactions, and recognises that people learn a new language best when they have the opportunity to communicate with others and participate in real-life language situations.

We need to consider some key aspects of social strategy in order to implement it in the classroom. Interaction and communication, we need a focus on real and authentic communication rather than memorisation of grammar rules or vocabulary. Students should have the opportunity to interact in the language through group activities, conversations and communicative tasks.

Cultural context is important for understanding aspects such as customs, traditions, understanding culture can help students communicate more effectively and avoid cultural misunderstandings.

The communicative competence approach aims to develop competence in learners, which implies the ability to use the language in a variety of contexts, it focuses on fluency of communication.

Social interaction and real communication intensify learners' intrinsic motivation, as they see the purpose and usefulness of what they are learning the language for, therefore learners will be more engaged as they see that everything they learn can be applied in real situations. 

Finally, the social strategy recognises that language learning is an ongoing process that extends beyond the classroom and the boundaries of an academic programme. Therefore, the social approach to foreign language teaching focuses on creating opportunities for learners to engage in authentic communication situations and in understanding the related culture. This not only helps students acquire language skills, but also prepares them to interact in the real world in the language they are learning.

Teacher Jimena.

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