In the teaching of a foreign language the role of the affective strategy is very important, it is normal that in the classroom, when studying a foreign language we can find emotional barriers, such as fear of making mistakes, insecurities when speaking in front of the class, among many others that we have to help overcome, we as teachers must take into account several factors that are considered part of this affective strategy.
We must encourage comfort and confidence by creating a suitable environment for it, using active participation of students, where they are not afraid to make mistakes for fear of ridicule, an environment where mistakes are considered part of learning and emotionally support students when necessary, which brings us to another important factor, the emotional goals, we must help students to have their emotional goals clear and make it clear that this can be beneficial to them, learn to control frustrations and know how to show them.
Celebrating achievements and congratulating them increases their confidence towards the language and motivation increases.
Music is one of the resources we can use in this strategy, together with the emotional experiences that the students have lived or are living, talking about these topics increases positive emotions and in turn interest.
Finally, try to show individual emotional support, as not all learners have the same needs, by individualizing the process learners feel that teachers are there for them, and to help.
Finally, the affective strategy helps learners to manage their emotions and come to understand them, as it focuses on learners' motivation and how they should manage emotions.
Teachers Jimena and Alejandra.
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